Saturday, July 24, 2010

It's the weekend!

Wow, this is the third day in a row with the temperature hitting the 110-112 mark. According to the news, it's suppose to reach 112, or it could even go a little higher. At least it's keeping me inside the house so I can get a few extra things done that I've been meaning to do, but only keep pushing to the side. Haha!

Luckily, I'll be able to get out of the house later on tonight. We're suppose to be going bowling, so that should be fun. Truth be told, I'm the person you see having to use the bumpers. Otherwise, my ball will go all over the place. The last I recall, it went into the other lane beside us. I definitely don't want that happening again.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, no looking like a hobo! Get some shopping in, makes me feel so much better too! ha :)

    Oh geez, that weather sounds horrible. It's been upper-90s here. But, also the humidity has been ridiculously high as well! ugh.

    I too share your experiences with bowling. I need to use the gutters and last time i went, which was probably over a year ago, it ended up in the lane next to ours. How does that even happen? no clue. But, glad I'm not alone :)
